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Vascular Plant Herbarium

Vascular Plant Database Family Results

Category: Dicots
Family Name: Caryophyllaceae


Agrostemma - [maps | photos]

Arenaria - [maps | photos]

  • Arenaria lanuginosa (Michx.) Rohrb. (TN Endangered)
    NWI R2 TN: Facultative
    Common Name: spreading sandwort
             • Arenaria leptoclados (Reichenb.) Guss.

Cerastium - [maps | photos]

             • Cerastium tetrandrum W. Curtis
             • Cerastium fontanum Baumg. ssp. trivale (Link) Jalas
             • Cerastium vulgare Hartman
             • Cerastium vulgatum L.
  • Cerastium glomeratum * Thuill.
    NWI R2 TN: Facultative Upland -
    Common Name: mouse-ear chickweed
             • Cerastium viscosum auct. non L.
             • Cerastium viscosum auct. non L.
             • Cerastium brachypodum (Engelm. ex Gray) B.L. Robins.

Dianthus - [maps | photos]

Holosteum - [maps | photos]

Minuartia - [maps | photos]

  • Minuartia cumberlandensis (Wofford & Kral) McNeill (TN Endangered)  (Fed Listed Endangered)
    Common Name: Cumberland sandwort
             • Arenaria cumberlandensis Wofford & Kral
             • Arenaria glabra Michx.
             • Arenaria groenlandica (Retz.) Spreng. var. glabra (Michx.) Fern.
  • Minuartia godfreyi (Shinners) McNeill (TN Endangered)
    Common Name: Godfrey's sandwort
             • Arenaria godfreyi Shinners
             • Arenaria groenlandica (Retz.) Spreng.
  • Minuartia muscorum (Fassett) Rabeler (TN Special Concern)
    Common Name: Dixie Sandwort
             • Arenaria patula Michx. Var. robusta (Steyermark) Maguire
             • Arenaria patula Michx.

Myosoton - [maps | photos]

  • Myosoton aquaticum * (L.) Moench
    NWI R2 TN: Facultative Wetland +
    Common Name: giant chickweed
             • Stellaria aquatica (L.) Scop.

Paronychia - [maps | photos]

Petrorhagia - [maps | photos]

             • Dianthus prolifer L.

Sagina - [maps | photos]

  • Sagina decumbens (Ell.) Torr. & A. Gray
    NWI R2 TN: Facultative +
    Common Name: trailing pearlwort

Saponaria - [maps | photos]

Scleranthus - [maps | photos]

Silene - [maps | photos]

             • Lychnis coronaria (L.) Desr.
             • Lychnis alba Mill.
             • Silene alba (Mill.) Krause
             • Silene pratensis (Raf.) Godr. & Gren.
  • Silene ovata Pursh (TN Endangered)
    Common Name: Blue Ridge catchfly
  • Silene regia Sims (TN Endangered -Possibly Extirpated)
    Common Name: royal catchfly
             • Silene cucubalus Wibel

Stellaria - [maps | photos]

  • Stellaria alsine Grimm (TN Endangered)
    NWI R2 TN: Obligate Wetland
    Common Name: bog chickweed
             • Stellaria tennesseensis (C. Mohr) Strausbaugh & Core
  • Stellaria fontinalis (Short & Peter) B.L. Rob. (TN Special Concern)
    NWI R2 TN: Obligate Wetland
    Common Name: American water chickweed
             • Arenaria fontinalis (Short & Peter) Shinners
             • Sagina fontinalis Short & Peter
  • Stellaria longifolia Muhl. ex Willd. (TN Endangered)
    NWI R2 TN: Facultative Wetland -
    Common Name: longleaf chickweed
  • Stellaria media * (L.) Vill.
    NWI R2 TN: Facultative Upland
    Common Name: common chickweed
  • Stellaria pallida * (Dumort.) Crépin
    NWI R2 TN: Facultative Upland
    Common Name: common chickweed
             • Stellaria media (L.) Vill. ssp. pallida (Dumort.) Asch. & Graebn.

*Non-native taxon known to be naturalized in Tennessee
All names & statuses follow the Guide to the Vascular Plants of Tennessee (2015).
Click here for a description of rare, threatened, or endangered (RTE) status & National Wetland Indicator (NWI) status.
If you have any questions or comments, please contact Dr. Jessica M. Budke or Margaret Oliver.

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